The Secret

I’m reading the book The Secret right now. Yes I know that most of the world read it when Oprah did about ten gazillion years ago! I’m a little behind the times sometimes ??

But I’m really enjoying it and thought I’d share a bit. It’s all about how the secret to a happy, fulfilling life all lies within the laws of the universe and it’s really very simple to manifest the life you want.

The thoughts that dominate your mind (positive or negative) will in turn cause you to have feelings (positive or negative) that continue to attract more of that into your life.

The more you dwell on negative things, the more negativity you attract ?

The more you dwell on positive things, the more positivity you attract ?

I know some people think this is all BS ?, but I choose to do what I can to make my life more positive and fulfilling, and if thinking positive things and having good feelings is going to help, then heck yeah, I’m gonna try!!

Check out the quotes below from the book – explains how the law of attraction is as non-discriminating as the law of gravity ??

Here’s an example though… if you’re trying to lose weight…. if you keep dwelling on the negative thoughts: “I’m never going to lose this weight, these pants will never fit, this is just too damn hard, I’m just meant to be overweight forever”….. your mind will continue to be flooded with negative thoughts, you’ll continue to feel like crap ?, and you won’t get out of that vicious circle.

But, what if you tried switching your thoughts to: “I will lose this weight, slowly but surely, this weight didn’t come on in a month and it’s not going to disappear in a month, but I CAN do this, I CAN work hard, I enjoy the physical activity, I’m proud of myself for making more healthy choices than ever before”… Now wouldn’t that put you in a way better headspace, which would in turn continue to attract positive thoughts and positive feelings and POSITIVE RESULTS.

??I figure it’s worth a try!!

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